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HSE Administration Quiz – Test page for Rick’s new quiz
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In the Fit for Duty Program, what are you responsible to do?
Report to Work with the Drugs and Alcohol in your system.
To not disclose the inability to report to emergency work.
To not disclose the use of prescription or non- prescription medication to your supervisor.
To come to work mentally, physical and emotional capable to perform their essential work.
What does the acronym (P.A.S.S.) for Fire Extinguishers stand for?
Push the Pin, Aim at the Base of the Flame, Squeeze and Stand Still.
Pull the Pin, Aim at the Base of the Flames, Squeeze The Handle and Sweep at the base of the Flames.
Pull the Pin, Aim at the Top of the Flames, Squeeze the Canister and Sweep at the Top of the Flames.
Push the Pin, Air out the Fire, Squeeze the Canister, Sweep ad the Base of the Flames.
When and Who do you report an Incident to?
Your best friend once you get home.
Your Co-worker, Immediately.
You post a photo on social media to everyone right when it happens.
Your Supervisor, Immediately.
When completing a Hazard Assessment what is the first way you should try to control the Hazard?
Use PPE.
Create a Safe Work Instruction.
Eliminate the Hazard Completely.
Do Nothing.
As a Worker what are your responsibilities? (Mark all that apply)
Take reasonable care to protect his or her health and safety and the health and safety of other workers who may be affected by his or her acts or omissions.
Refrain from causing or participating in the harassment of another worker.
Co-operate with any other person exercising a duty imposed be the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations; Comply with the OHS Act and Regulations.
Cause and or participate in harassment of another worker.
What are the Worker’s 3 Rights?
The Right to Know, The Right to Wear Plaid, and The Right to Refuse.
The Right to Knit, The Right to Refuse, and The Right to Participate.
The Right to Know, The Right to Refuse, and The Right to Participate.
The Right to Know, The Right to Refuse, and The Right to Party All the Time.
If you are working and discover a tool or piece of equipment that does not work correctly, what is the proper procedure?
Leave it where you found it and do not tell anyone it is broken.
Put it on the Construction Manager’s desk.
Put it in the tool storage crib and let your supervisor know if is broken.
Tag it out with the date, note the issues or problems with the tool, take it out of service and let your supervisor know.
What is required to safely use of a Ladder? (Mark all that apply)
Inspect all ladders prior to each use.
Inspect all ladders sometimes.
Fully extend the spreaders before use.
Stand no higher than the second highest rung from the top.
Maintain 3-point contact.
Secure extension ladders top & bottom.
Extended 1 foot back for every 3 or 4 feet up (angled 1:3 or 1:4).
Ensure ladders are placed on even ground.
Do not overreach or lean off the ladder.
When working at site, is it okay to operate a piece of equipment without training?
Yes, how else can you learn?
Yes, but only if you have operated that equipment in a prior job.
No, you are not allowed to touch any equipment if you don’t have training and certification.
Yes, but only if you are really good at operating that equipment.
What do you do if you find something that could potentially hurt you or another worker?
Tell your buddy to be safe.
Tell the QA/QC guy.
Report it to your Supervisor or Safety Advisor.
Tell no one.
What are the 4 R’s of Waste Segregation?
Reduce, Recover, Rip Up, Remove
Remove, Reuse, Rearrange, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recovery, Rearrange
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery
What Information must be included on the tags that are affixed to the tape?
Description of the Hazard, Date, Supervisor, Radio Channel or Contact number.
Do not enter and nothing else.
Date, Do Not Enter, Supervisor Name.
Description of the Hazard, Date, Worker, Radio Channel or Contact Number.
What is the purpose of an incident investigation? Select all that apply.
Determine who is to blame.
Figure out what caused the incident.
Prevent the incident from recurring.
Determine the cost of the incident.
What is a Confined Space? A fully or partially enclosed space that:
Is not designed or intended for human occupancy.
Has a restricted means of access and egress.
May become hazardous to any person entering it due to Its design, construction, location or atmosphere, The materials or substance in it and any other conditions relating to it.
All of the above.
What are some Ergonomic Risk Factors?
All of the above
You are Fit for Duty if you have drugs in your system.
You may modify scaffolding if you need to.
You can get in trouble for reporting an incident.
Spills must be avoided, and procedures must be followed to prevent any accidental releases to the environment.
You are allowed to work alone with no means of contact with your supervisor.
If you violate a Tron Absolutes you will receive a verbal warning.
You can find all the HSE documents on our server in TCM.
You can work alone in a confined space.
Only qualified workers that are trained and knowledgeable are allowed to work on electrical tasks.
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