Building a more inclusive Canadian workforce

Sean Willy

Des Nedhe Group

President and Chief Executive Officer

Sean Willy was appointed President & Chief Executive Officer of Des Nedhe Group in August 2017. During that time, Sean has taken Des Nedhe to a national stage, growing into new business sectors and reducing their reliance on just the resource sector, while at the same time maintaining high levels of Indigenous employment and managing some tough economic conditions.

Sean, a Denesuline, is a member of the Deninu Kue FN. He brings an understanding of the expectations and needs of Indigenous people. Growing up in a mining household, he experienced life in communities across the Canadian Shield – from the Northwest Territories to Nunavut to Alberta to Saskatchewan.

He believes in the potential of Des Nedhe to serve English River members now and for generations to come. 

In his career Sean has developed and implemented some of the most innovative Indigenous Inclusion and CSR strategies for companies such as Rio Tinto and Cameco Corporation.  He has always strived to ensure Indigenous peoples are seen as a full partner in long-term relationships.   This led to Sean building partnerships in Australia, the United States, and throughout Canada.

Sean is a board member for TELUS Corporation, and the Ronald McDonald House Charities Saskatchewan.  He is a past board member of Green First Forest Products, past Co-Chair of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, a past member of Indigenous Works and recently sat as a member the Canadian government’s Indigenous Innovation Housing Committee and the Indigenous Advisory Committee on Small Module Reactors. 

Sean has two children and lives with his wife Melissa in Saskatoon. 

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